Monday, November 29, 2010

Tip of the Week

Hi Everyone - Hope you had a good holiday! To jump start your December I thought I'd pass along a great way to make your holiday cards for free. Photoshop Island has all sorts of freebies for members. Just sign up and download! You may also want to buy one of their products as well. They are easy to download, inexpensive and a great way to start a project.

Once you've created something, why not share it with others here? Looking forward to your creativity.


Monday, November 22, 2010

Tip of the Week

Here's a tip from Kevin Siegel, author of IconLogic's Skills and Drills Newsletter:

Adobe Captivate 5: One Spelling Option Not To Ignore 

by Kevin Siegel Follow us on Twitter View our profile on LinkedIn

I am the most accurate typist in the world. Want me to prove it? Fine! I was recently working on a Captivate project that contained more than 70 text captions. I was the one who both created those text captions and typed the text.

Just prior to publishing the project, I ran Captivate's spell check utility by choosing Project > Check Spelling. And you know what? There wasn't a single typographic error on any slide... not a single one. See, that's proof that I am the most excellent typist in the world. I mean, when was the last time you aced the spell checker?

Of course, on further review, I realized that my accuracy wasn't so good. There it was, on Slide 2... the word Chicago was spelledChiccagoHuh? Why oh why would Captivate tease me like that and have me staking a claim to the world's accuracy title? It's a cruel world!

If turns out that Captivate will not spell check words with capitalized letters (such as Chiccago). If you're like me and tend to type with two left hands, then you might want to turn that particular option off.

Show Captivate's Preferences (Edit menu if you're using Windows; Adobe Captivate menu if you're using a Mac). Select the Globalcategory and then click the Spelling Preferences button.

Deselect Ignore Capitalized Words and click the OK button.

Captivate 5's spelling options

Run your spell check again... and prepare to relinquish your title of most accurate typist in the world (I know I did).

Friday, November 19, 2010

December 1st Acrobat Webinar

Just a reminder that I will be doing an Adobe Acrobat webinar on December 1st at 1pm. I think it would be helpful for a lot of people, so if you haven't signed up yet, go to the inservice schedule (staff)
and sign up or e-mail me (non-unhce staff) to reserve a spot. I am out next week, but will be monitoring
my e-mail and sending an invitation on Wednesday. Faye

Monday, November 15, 2010

Tip of the Week

Check this idea for your holiday shopping from Scott Kelby:

Canvas photographic prints from Artistic Photo Canvas

Artistic Photo Canvas Want to really impress a friend this holiday season? Send her a canvas print. Want to blow her away? Send her one of your panoramic images on canvas. Haven’t shot a pano? Just crop one of your regular landscape images like a pano. What I love about APC is that they’ll do all the work to prepare your image for printing on canvas, and the results are just amazing. Try them once, and you’ll be hooked. (Image: Seattle Summer Night by Jacob Lucas)

Gallery wrapped canvas panos start at $89