Friday, January 20, 2012

Photoshop World - March 24-26, 2012

If you've ever thought about attending an out of state conference, you should seriously consider Photoshop World. The upcoming conference in Washing, DC (March 24-26) looks absolutely amazing! The speakers are some of the best in the world, including, Scott Kelby, Terry White, Ben Willmore and Bert Monroy. I've had the privilege of seeing each of the above speakers in action and they are not to be missed. The conference is for Photoshop users and photographers with several concurrent sessions and tracks.

The schedule is full of opportunities to learn and share. The experience will help you upgrade your skills - always important during these trying times - and give you a chance to talk to other professionals. There isn't another opportunity that I know of to listen to and learn from as many experts as you will see at this conference, so I strongly urge you to attend if you can!

Note: If you are a student, Photoshop World has a Dean Collins Photoshop World Educational scholarship award. You must apply by filling out their form by February 17th. The scholarship includes round-trip airfare, hotel accommodations and a full conference pass as well as a years membership to NAPP!

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