Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Adding Flourish to Your Design

We all like those swirly flourishes and as you know, finding them and/or creating them can be a bit of a pain. So, I was pleasantly surprised when I got an e-mail from Photoshop Island announcing their 104 Flourish Brushes for $29.85.

Now, I know what you are thinking - yeah brushes, great, BUT what I really want is images with a transparent background! Well, they must have heard us, because all the images come as high quality PNG files as well, with transparent background! It is so worth the $29.85 and you can download the files instantly.

I bought them myself because I know I will use them for lots of projects both for UNHCE and my personal work. The example to the left of my niece, Syd, took me about 2 minutes total. Check out the details on the Photoshop Island website and let me know what you think.

While you are on the site, check out the freebies page. I've mentioned it before, but it's worth a repeat. You can get a bunch of awesome free stuff, including stars and stripes brushes and jewel toned bursts (see image to the left).

They have calendar templates and so much more and they are free! What are you waiting for?!

Friday, July 15, 2011

How Photoshop Changed My Photography

I think you will enjoy reading Matt Kawolski's guest post on Scott Kelby's Photoshop Insider. Here's an excerpt:

"Hey everyone, Matt Kloskowski here again. Thanks once again to Scott, for giving me his blog for the day. I’ve had a topic I’ve been wanting to write about for a while, so here goes: How Photoshop changed my Photography. It’s not what you think though. I’ve heard plenty of stories of how Photoshop is a game changer because of the ways that we can now enhance our photos so quickly. We can make blue skies bluer, green grass greener, remove blemishes, clone out wires, etc… But my photography-life-changing experience is a little different."

Interested? Here's a link to the full article. While you are at it, sign up for Scott Kelby's blog. It's well worth your time. Also, let us know how/if Photoshop changed YOUR life. 

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Ask a CS Pro: InDesign CS5.5 - Intermediate ePub Tips and Tricks

From Adobe InDesign on Facebook:

InDesign CS5.5 offers some great new features for creating and controlling ePub output. Join Adobe's Colin Fleming for an examination of the dark corners of ePub; discover tips for working with the Article panel, tricks for controlling order and the power of editing the code. For even more ePub information, check out Terry White’s blog post:

We'll see you Friday, July 15, at 12 p.m. PT in our Connect Room:​/askcspro. The room will open up 15 minutes before the session starts. Click on the link above and sign in as a guest to join.

Session start time for other time zones follows:

About Colin Fleming
As a solutions engineer for Adobe Systems, Colin applies his knowledge of photography, 3D, design, print production, prepress, and software to provide appropriate workflow solutions for Adobe customers. His work involves speaking to and helping a variety of customers including cartographers, medical illustrators, many ad and design agencies, and publishing and print media outlets.

Before joining Adobe, Colin was a freelance trainer specializing in workflow conversions to InDesign and Creative Suites. He has taught intense, high-level classes in design and production techniques since 1999 which covered many Adobe and former Macromedia applications. Colin helped write and review a number of Adobe Certified Expert exams, and then had to take them. He is an Adobe Certified Instructor in many Adobe Creative Suites applications, Adobe Acrobat, Lightroom, and a Suites Master Instructor. Colin has presented at events including the Association of Medical Illustrators, the North American Cartographic Information Society, ICON, HOW, MacWorld, and AdobeMAX. Colin has recorded video-based training at both and Video2Brain where he recently completed their Digital Publishing Suite Workshop title.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Tip of the Week - Using Color in Graphic Design

We all know that color, used well, can make a big difference in a display, brochure, website, etc. What is a little harder is choosing the colors for your project. Often, particularly on the web, what you see is not what others see. Monitor resolution and display settings can have a great effect on your output view.

Here are some links to sites I think you will find helpful:
Do you have any sites you'd like to recommend? Post them if you do. I'd love to see them. 

Using a Graphic Tablet for Design

I was asked recently to recommend a graphic tablet for someone teaching online who needed to be able to draw during the class as well as point out items, circle comments, etc. I did some research and found several from Wacom. I ended up purchasing one for myself. I'd been wanting to try drawing with something resembling a pen rather than a mouse for a while and felt it was cheap enough at Amazon (less than $60) and worth a try.

So far, I find it relatively easy to use, although the pen pressure takes time to get used to - at least for me. I plan on doing a bit of drawing over the next few weeks, so I will let you know how it is going. Does anyone else have a tablet? If so, let us know what model and what you think. If you like, I'll give a demo at an upcoming webinar.

Monday, July 11, 2011

The Evolution of Photoshop

Here's a neat little article detailing the evolution of Photoshop.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Tip of the Week - How to Design an Event Flyer

As an outreach organization, we are often required to create flyers and brochures. Here's some links with information that will help you with the process:



For our staff: When you are planning a new brochure/flyer, please remember to look at our available photos/images. You may also look on the iStock site to see if there is anything you would like to use. Remember, I have 10 credits a day, so advance notice is helpful. Some staff create lists for upcoming jobs and send me the links letting me know they are looking for the files in the future. Sometimes, they send a list with one or two that are needed in the near future, but others that can wait. This way, I am sure to get them what they need and have a group to choose from on days I don't have any immediate requests and I am out of ideas. 

There are many ways to create a brochure and/or flyer, but basic design concepts help. Hopefully, you will find the above links useful in your quest for the perfect brochure/flyer. Let me know if I can help. 

Friday, July 1, 2011

How to Shoot Fireworks

I saw this post, How to Shoot Fireworks, on Scott Kelby's Photoshop Insider and decided to pass it along this 4th of July weekend. Check it out if you plan on filming the festivities now or in the future. I'd love to see what you come up with.

Also, don't forget to comment on the hero of the photo post below. I have a prize for the winner. Happy holiday! Faye